Please choose which type of induction best describes your requirements.
DTMT Construction Induction

I am a DTMT employee or contractor who is working for DTMT Construction.

DTMT Logistics Induction

I am an office employee, depot worker, driver or contractor for DTMT Logistics

WHS Act Training

Training for Supervisors and Managers to be informed about the changes to the Safety Laws in Western Australia

Short Term Worker Induction

I am a contractor completing work at a DTMT Depot

DTMT Site Induction – J3010 Jundee Project

DTMT Site Induction - J3020 Jundee Project

DTMT Site Induction - J2283 Berkshire Road Forrestfield

DTMT Site Induction – J2998 Western Ridge Comms Earthworks

WHS Management System for Site and Senior Managers

DTMT Incident Investigation