Want to join the OnlineInduction.com family as a partner?

Generate new revenue streams with recurring and implementation revenue, increase your value add to your clients, integrate systems and much more.
Discover the partner program that aligns with your business goals.

Step 1: Tell us about you, your organisation and goals

Prove you are not a bot: 5 X 2 =

  • We provide full training
  • We'll support the clients you sign up
  • Reseller Portal to create and manage customer accounts
  • Sample account for product demos
  • System Integration
  • Earn recurring and implementation revenue
  • Different partner options including referral based or sign up based
  • Major value add to your existing services
  • Access to our full product suit from Incident Reporting, Sign in / Sign out, Workplace Learning Courses and much more
Plus so much more!
Become a partner today