Online Induction >> Online Induction Tutorials
How to Performance Review by issuing feedback forms to additional contacts
Log in to your admin account of Online Induction, and select the Green Companies button from your central admin dashboard.
This will take you to your Manage Contracting Companies Area.
An admin can answer the form field questions per company registration
The form then becomes available per company registration under the performance option by clicking the "rate" option against the relevant company listing:
A performance overview will open for the selected Company
Selecting the "Issue Questionnaire" Option admin can collect feedback from Site employees, customers or other contacts about the contractor/ contracting customer.
Admin can nominate who receives this request and can either issue the default Feedback form or customise a new form for the user to complete.
Admin can also attach specific details relevant to the contractor, for example the site or location the contractor performs duties and attach relevant documentation.
Completed responses will appear in "View responses" option in the Performance area of a company.