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Published 31/12/2024

Contractor Orientation Checklist

A contractor orientation checklist is used to ensure that important site specific safety materials, policies, procedures and job activity materials are read and understood by contractor before they begin their job task or activity in the workplace. It typically involves a mixture of ensuring acknowledgement and awareness of these important safety and facility management areas and formally going through a consistent orientation in order to be fully ready and verified to work on site as a contractor.

There are different types of contractor check lists from pre-start to site safety. This will commonly be part of your contractor management system.

Contractor Pre-start Checklist

A pre-start checklist is an online check to ensure the contractor has acknowledged, is prepared and job ready across a range of safety and site specific areas. Commonly they'll go through a pre-star checklist consisting of:
- do they have the right evidence of training and certifications
- are they insured for the job task or activity
- have they uploaded relevant tickets
- acknowledgement of important safety materials
- acknowledgement of site procedures

Contractor Site Checklist

When a contractor arrives on site, they need to go through important site specific check list items ranging from site access, plant and equipment, first aid, site layout, hazards, how to report an incident and more.

- Location: photos and GPS,
- specific site layout,
- access notes
- specific site amenities
- first aid kit
- specific emergency service contact details in relation to the specific transmission site and locations
- asbestos on site, status and location
- site specific chemicals, management and location
- confined spaces at location
- phone coverage
- known environmental conditions at site
- flora, fauna and heritage at site
- lighting and emergency access lighting, night works
- Plant machinery
- Access to mast / climbing
- Installation of equipment
- New Hazards on site

Pre-Job Start Check List

A common approach for contractors is to have them go through a pre-job start contractor checklist as part of providing their job task or activity on site. This might be a check list that covers important safety procedures, checks, acknowledgements and other materials to prepare them for the job task or activity. It might cover high risk activities or procedures or checks to have in place pre-job start. Adding this to the contractor orientation is a great way to build in this job preparation structure for contractors before they start their job or activity on site.

Post Job Check List

Other types of checklists that might eb part of a contractor orientation might be post job check lists such as a post completion checklist at the end of a job task or activity. This might include safety checks, job clean up, job site status, tools and procedure checks or plant and equipment checks.

Deliver a contractor checklist online

The easiest way to make ensure contractors understand and acknowledge a checklist is for them to do it online before they arrive on site. An online contractor checklist can be easily distributed to contractors on mass and they can access it 24/7 from home, on the way to their workplace or when needed.

Try creating your own contractor checklist

Try creating your own online using our checklist builder

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