Online Induction >> Construction Site Induction
Published 05/07/2023
Creating a Construction Site Induction

Setup a
construction site induction or orientation online! Before workers and contractors arrive on site, they should be properly inducted on everything they need to know about working safety at the construction site.
This is the first and one of the most important parts of a worker or contractors journey in working with your construction site. Ensure they are properly trained on the site specific safety materials, construction
forms completed, acknowledge and understand important site policies and procedures and have evidence that they have done these things. Issue an
induction card at the end to confirm compliance and verify worker completion.
In todays fast pace world, its critical to ensure all visitors, contractors and workers to a construction site have done a site specific
construction online induction. they may have done your organisational corporate induction but what about the specific work site they are to work at? They need to understand, acknowledge and be tested on the site specific materials ranging from evacuation procedures to site specific safety and risk policies and procedures. For contractors this will often form part of your overall
contractor management system and for visitors, a
visitor sign in system.
construction site induction is the most popular platform with construction companies for completing a construction site induction is via mobile and tablets using an
app. This enables fast, quick and real-time access to important safety materials, check lists and site materials 24/7.
Construction Site Induction Features
Good practice construction site inductions commonly have the following structure for their induction steps and workflow. To build an effective construction online inuction, your program should consist of:

Track your contractors and workers ongoing construction site compliance

Collect certifications, expiry dates and licenses before they arrive on site
Contractor Induction

Ensure everyone has been inducted on the construction safety induction

Construction site safety assessment

Construction site check list and policy library acknowledgement

Issue an induction card for working at the right construction site

Create construction site content that is site or project specific

Collect emergency contact, next of kin, medical information & more

Ensure subcontractors are also inducted before working at the construction site

Manage construction safety documentation such as a
Job Safety Analysis or
Safe Work Method Statements
Why do construction site inductions?
You may need to have to show in an audit that everyone who entered the construction site was properly inducted.
Reduce the risk of injuries and incidents through construction site specific safety inductions
Bring awareness of site specific hazards
Centralise and streamline the entire process and ensure sub contractors are going through it to
Face to face training and assessment is more time consuming, expensive and is not consistent
Workers and contractors can complete the construction site induction before they start work and from home
Issue a formal card in acknowledgement of active compliance
Get full oversight of all contractors and workers who are at your construction site
A more comprehensive induction
Common topics to include in your construction induction
A construction online induction needs to cover a broad range of important work site topics, whether it be commercial construction or resiential, it's critical that contractors, sub contractors and any other staff are properly inducted before they arrive on the construction site. Common topics include:
Accident and Emergencies
Apply First Aid
Asbestos Awareness
Basic First Aid
Bullying Harassment
Code of conduct
Confined Space
Confined Space Entry
Corruption and Bribery
Drugs and Alcohol
Electrical Safety
Fire Extinguisher
Fraud Awareness
Hand Held Power Tools
Health and Safety in the Retail Industry
High Risk Environments
Hot Works
Incident Investigation
Injury Management
Lock Out / Tag Out
Manual Handling
Manual Tasks for Construction Workers
Personal Protective Equipment
PPE Safety
Safety Awareness
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Slips Trips and Falls
Stress Management
Sustainability In the Workplace
Work Health Safety Fundamentals
Working at Heights
Working with Silica Dust
Construction Site Induction Form
A big part of a construction online induction is the site induction form where you would capture important prequalification materials such as licenses and tickets to ensure the staff member or contractor are properly qualified, licenses and compliant in order to be working on your construction site.
This might also include prescreening their health history to ensure they have no infectious disease symptoms or have a recent contact history that could make them infectious to other workers on site.
Create your own online form, collecting the specifics you need for your construction site or project.
In real-time, map out and change the requirements of what your site or project needs to collect from your workers or subcontractors.
Capture licenses, insurances, evidence of training, expiry dates and more.
Construction Site Check List
The site induction check list makes sure important pre start items have been acknowledged and checked off. This might include acknowledgement of policies and procedures in relation to working on site. Or it might include ensuring specific tasks have been done as part of a site induction.
Create your own online check list.
Formal acknowledgement of important site policies and procedures.
Construction Site Content
When delivering a contractor online induction, moving away from paper to online is a major step in improving the induction delivery. Taking the construction induction handbook and putting it online involves enhancing the content into an online and interactive format.
Transform your handbook into an online construction induction or orientation
Workers and contractors progress through the material online and are assessed on it.
Create Custom Workflows
The ability to create and personalise custom workflows for construction sites is critical. Every site is different, from varying requirements, regulations, union rules through to site specific and high risk nature of different sites.
What's important here is that the induction also reflect this and have the ability to move and be flexible to different workflows.
A common example might be how the sign in on site links to induction and the different custom workflows you might have in place for this.
- contractor or subcontractor arrives on site, signs in, is checked for induction status
- present a prescreening form for health history or vaccine status
- cross check certificates, licenses, insurances, permits
- trigger permit to work workflows if the nature of work is high risk to check for JSA's, SWMS's and other documentation
- present content such as construction site induction materials and ensure is understood and acknowledged
- issue induction card
Free Demo
See how our construction site induction can work for your organisation by looking at the online demo via the form above or - Contact Us and start creating your own construction induction today.