Online Induction >> Contractor Safety Induction

Create a Safety Induction Presentation

Everything you need to know about how to build a safety induction presentation. What to put in it, the structure and how to set one up. Safety Induction Presentations are used in workplaces to induct staff on safety in the workplace.

Step 1: The Structure

The first thing to work out is the structure of your safety induction presentation. Will it be an organisation wide presentation or is it site specific? Does it apply to both contractors, employees and visitors or just one group? Are there elements of it that will change regularly or will there be static content? Can you write all the content now or do you need to research and discover content?
Once you have worked out the above, now you can being to structure the slides with meaningful content.

Step 2: The Content

These are the most common topics for slides in your safety induction from our community:
- Local Emergency Contacts
- How to report an incident
- How to report a hazard
- What hazards are present on site?
- Confined spaces
- Hot works
- Access to site
- Safety policies
- Safety procedures
- Environmental issues
- Safety contacts

Step 3: Building the presentation

Very popular is using Powerpoint to create a slideshow. Its quick, common and easy to do. You could also create it using an online editor such as our Online Induction program where you can build the slides in an online format.

Step 4: Publish online and on mobile

Distributing your safety induction presentation online allows you to get inductees to complete it before they start working on site or arrive at your workplace. This is exactly what an Online Induction is effective for.

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  • Easy to setup and create inductions for contractors, employees, suppliers and visitors
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