Online Induction >> Site Induction
Published 02/02/2024

Site Induction
- Templates & Safety Site Inductions

A site induction is a core requirement for working at a work site, new workplace or even visiting an organisation as a new contractor, employee, visitor or supplier. Its the first engagement to ensure that staff are job ready and aware of the safety requirements and risks while conducting their job task or activity on site.

It's often the day one activity to ensure they are prepared for site and covers important safety topics, risks, hazards, site access requirements and acknowledgements. Commonly, a new starter or contractor will go through a site safety induction before they arrive into the workplace. Typically a site induction is delivered online so that everything is understood before the worker arrives on site and begins their job task or activity and is a requirement for all new starters.

A site induction is commonly part of a safety induction and can form part of your overall Induction Program. It is also a component in a contractor induction and an employee induction. If managing contractors, the site induction will form part of your ongoing contractor compliance.

"A site induction is a critical component for preparing contractors, employees or visitors before they arrive to work on site around important safety information, policies and procedures and risks and hazards they need to be aware of before they start work. It's also an opportunity to better prepare the workforce with a visualisation of the site which might include a site tour, understanding emergency procedures and locations and site access" Dr Jeremy Nunn.

Popular links: Site Induction Templates | Search | Best steps to include in a site induction | Developing a site induction | Why have a site induction | Site Induction Register | What is a site induction?

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Best Site Induction Design Guide?

A site induction is a core part of your overall online induction program. Best practice design for implementing a site induction begins with identifying what type of site induction are you creating, what steps are going in it and what type of inductees are going through it. To begin with, the typical induction site induction types are either contractor, employee, visitor or supplier. Determining the steps that go into it commonly starts with collecting information such as new starter forms, insurances or evidence of training. Presenting induction content ranges from safety inductions through to environmental, quality and hazards on site as part of an overall introduction to working on site. Ensuring the inductee understands the site induction is done through competency assessment with commonly multiple choice questions. Using our site induction system you can create a custom site induction for your project or workplace. Set up a site specific induction for contractors, employees and visitors to complete before they arrive on site.

Creating a Site Induction Have them go through important safety topics and workplace courses, your organisations induction content, collect important materials from them including insurances, certifications, licenses, tickets, emergency contact details, HR new starter information, medical details or other important requirements you need to collect as part of the new starter working on your site or project.

Ensure everyone is inducted and fully understands important safety policies and procedures and meet site induction legal requirements. As people arrive on site, cross check that they are still compliant and set up automatic re-inductions.

Assessments, check lists, document libraries, set up virtual or immersive inductions for fully site specific experiences. A popular and engaging site induction experience is to create an immersive site experience, to show case site specific risks, hazards and training across the site as part of a site induction, before workers arrive on site.

Managing Site Inductions

It's never been easier to manage your inductions, induction registries and develop new ones. Who has been inducted to which site? How many inductions has each team memember done? What about location specific inductions within a facilities or building.

Using our Site Induction tool you can easily create and deliver site inductions to your contractors, employees and visitors with specific site induction courses, content and materials. Create a safer workplace, encourage a people culture change and prevent incidents with a proper and comprehensive site induction.

Discover our site induction platform

The 3 Most Common Site Induction Templates

Take a look at the three most popular and common site induction templates

Upload existing site induction content

No need to reinvent your content, simply upload existing content as is and publish onto your online site induction portal.

Site Induction App

Everyone is on mobile, so should your site induction. Setup a site induction ona dedicated and branded mobile app. your organisation site induction the mobile app for iPhone or android.

Most Common Site Induction Steps

Collecting licenses and certifications from your new arrivals such as insurances, evidence of safety procedures and compliance before working on site

A General Induction covering everything you need to know about working at the organisation

A site induction, specifically covering everything about working at the site or location you are working at from incident reporting procedures to hazards and safety procedures.

A site specific induction certificate or card that states the site inducted for, expiry date and company details.

Site Induction Features

Site indudctions come in many different shapes and sizes depending on specific induction, unique requirements of the organisation and the complexities of different work sites. But commonly you'll include:

Track your contractors and employees ongoing compliance
Collect certifications, expiry dates and licenses
Use mass communication tools
Site specific workflows functionality
Compliance reminders
Setup multiple site inductions
GPS site in and site on tracking on site
Collect emergency contact, next of kin, medical information & more
Contractor / Supplier Registration
Pre-qualification + Required Documents (collect insurances, certifications and more)
Contractor / Supplier Verification
Individual site induction
Ongoing compliance and reminder verification

Looking for a site induction template?

We've got a whole library of different site induction templates that suit many different types of industries and organisation sizes. Click the link below to check out the library and try creating an online site induction using one of our templates.

Online Demo
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  • See how it all works from the above online form!
  • Create a login to view a demo online induction system and even webinar options to see examples
  • Easy to setup and create inductions for contractors, employees, suppliers and visitors
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Site Induction Register

Site Induction Form