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Are Site Inductions a Legal Requirement?
Yes they are! A site induction is a legal requirement for workplaces to ensure that new staff and contractors are familiar with important safety and HR policies and procedures before they arrive and start working in that workplace. This is to prevent injuries and incidents, know what to do in the event of an emergency and how to ensure the safety of themselves and their peers while at the workplace. They can be used for bringing awareness of site hazards, specific site policies and procedures, local emergency contacts, evacuation procedures, site access, site protocols and reporting rules.
Various health and safety regulations planet wide require employers to provide and ensure information, instructions, training and supervision to ensure the health and safety of their employees, contractors and visitors in a workplace.
Site inductions are important not just to familiarise new starters with the site, the management, procedures, hazards and site rules - but also existing, long term staff who need to re-do these inductions at least annually to ensure they remain compliant.
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