Online Induction >> Supplier Accreditation
Supplier Accreditation System
What is a supplier accreditation process and why do you need one?

A supplier accreditation process ensures that new and existing suppliers and contractors of an organisation are compliant in meeting specific minimum criteria, standards and organisation requirements in order to be registered, eligible and approved to conduct business and provide services.
It typically involves going through an extensive supplier accreditation and approval process to veto the supplying company or contractor on a range of areas ranging from their provision of service, safety and performance history, financial capability, experience, insurance and evidence of training and certifications.
An online supplier accreditation system will often involve new suppliers registering online and progressing through a prequalification accreditation form and awaiting approval.
Registering for accreditation as a supplier or contractor
All types of suppliers typically register ranging from sole traders through to company representatives from a new supplier.
Once registered, the supplier contact progresses through an accreditation approval form where they enter in answers to prequalification questions such as:
- company registration details
- registered business address
- preferred contacts
- accounts details
- safety history
- services to provide
- service history and experience
- how to lodge invoices and company level induction
- registering their individual staff for induction
- providing insurances
- providing certifications and evidence of qualifications and evidence of training
It's extremely important to ensure as part of the supplier accreditation process that suppliers are insured and that these are valid. Uninsured suppliers should not be engaged by the organisation as this is a major safety risk to your organisation for any works carried out on site by their staff.
Prequalify, Verify, Authenticate
Once a new supplier accreditation submission has been received, it's important to fully prequalify, verify and authenticate this supplier and its information. Approving the wrong supplier based on the wrong merits could have consequences for your organisation. It also ensures that all suppliers go through the same process and that they provide all the information required for working with your organisation.
Certify your suppliers and contractors as approved and compliant
The main benefits of a good supplier accreditation system is that you end up with a registry of certified approved suppliers that are flagged as compliant

Insurance details have been verified

Safety history has been reviewed

Quality history has been reviewed

Staff performance evaluated

Payment details collected and confirmed

Authorised contacts known and approved

Support details confirmed

Service history reviewed

Safety performance is known
Want to try out a supplier accreditation portal setup? Get started right here:
Create a supplier accreditation portal
Linking to a supplier accreditation portal from your website allows you to easily issue the supplier accreditation process to all new and prospective suppliers to self register and progress through online at their own convenience.

New suppliers go to the link and self register

You get a notification when the registration has been successful and is awaiting approval

Easily manage pending approvals

Final registry of compliant suppliers and contractors
Manage purchase orders and other supplier options
Once all your suppliers are using a supplier accreditation portal, you can link in uploading purchase orders, invoices, communications, notifications, training and evne work requests into a centralised supplier accreditation area.
It can be split up into a supplier request form, prequalification process and then supplier management tools as part of their ongoing business and ongoing compliance.
See how our supplier accreditation system can work for your organisations needs by looking at the online demo