Online Induction >> Aged Care Site Induction
Creating an Aged Care Site Induction

The importance of a site induction for contractors, visitors and staff in an aged care facility is critical to ensure everyone is aware of important safety procedures, policies and protections for residents.
Aged care residents are highly vulnerable to influenza and other viruses. Staff and contractors need to aware of what to look for to ensure they are not likely to be introducing the risk of a virus into a residential care facility as well as being kept safe from infections themselves while doing their work activity.
How you implement infection controls at your aged care facility starts with inducting contractors, visitors and staff before they start work and enter the facility.
Here we go through how to setup an aged care site induction online, the tools to create an aged care facility online induction and the importance of an aged care induction check list for an aged care facility. What topics to include in an aged care induction and how best to deliver it online to staff, contractors and visitors.
Aged Care Site Induction Setup
Best practice aged care facility site inductions commonly follow a structure around their induction steps and workflow:

Ensure all contractors, visitors and staff have done a site specific aged care facility induction before they start working in the facility

Collect certifications, expiry dates and licenses before they arrive on site to ensure contractors and staff are currently certified and licensed to work in the facility and that nothing has expired (i.e. insurances)

Make sure everyone has completed infection control, hand and hygiene and flu symptom awareness inductions are up to date

Ensure that everyone is familiar with the site layout, emergency evacuation areas, fire wardens, fire drill procedure and site access before they arrive for work

Test their knowledge to make sure they understand all the material and you can demonstrate they do

Issue an induction card for working at the right aged care facility

Create aged care site specific content

Collect emergency contact, next of kin, medical information & more specific to each contractor, visitor and staff member

Ensure subcontractors are also inducted before working at the aged care site and which primary contractor they are working with
Why do aged care site inductions?

Think about all the different situations that can occur from having a contractor come in on site and conduct their job task or activity. An air conditioning contractor carrying out their job task might accidentally release airborne contaminants when accessing ducting or contractors conducting work and bringing contaminants through the aged care facility via their boots or dirty tools.
With an Online Induction you can set the minimum standards for your contractors, a consistent and trade or site specific set of criteria that each contractor must progress through and meet.
This can lead to:
Reducing the risk of injuries and incidents through the aged care facility from a site specific safety induction
You may need to have to show in an audit that everyone who entered the aged care facility site was properly inducted.
Bring awareness of site specific hazards throughout the aged care facility
Issue a formal card in acknowledgement of active compliance
Centralise and streamline the entire process and ensure sub contractors are going through it to
Get full oversight of all contractors and workers who are at your aged care facility right now site
Reminders and Site Access
When a contractor or staff member is suddenly expired for their license, insurance or certifications, you can ensure that they are denied access to the aged care facility as part of their induction.
Receive a copy of reminders for awareness of what has expired, what is about to expire and who hasn't automatically renewed from these prompts
Manage all licenses and insurances and evidence of training
Enable all contractors, employees and visitors to upload licenses, insurances, evidence of training, expiry dates and more via a central portal.
Aged Care Site Check List and Prescreening
The site induction check list makes sure important pre start items have been acknowledged and checked off. This might include acknowledgement of policies and procedures in relation to working on site. Or it might include ensuring specific tasks have been done as part of a site induction.
Create your own online check list.
Formal acknowledgement of important site policies and procedures.
Prescreening of infections, exposure to viruses and symptoms
Aged Care Facility Site Induction Content
Our powerful Online Induction tool can be used for role specific training, site specific or organisation wide inductions. You could setup detailed procedures that are role or job task specific or you could establish organisational wide induction content around disease specific modules, food safety, operations or aged care specific mandatory training for visitors, contractors and employees.
Easily create site, role, project or organisational wide induction content
Staff, contractors and visitors progress through the material online and are assessed on it.
Perfect for refresher training on important workplace topics such as hand washing or infection control.
Free Demo
See how our aged care site induction can work for your organisation by looking at the online demo via the form above or - Contact Us and start creating your own aged care induction today.