Online Induction >> Driver Induction
Published 06/12/2024
Driver Induction
Examples and Induction Pack for the Transport Industry
The driver induction is a transport industry specific induction type for people are often driving vehicles of all different types to ensure they understand critical safety and risks around driving and operating vehicles. There are varying conditions, regulations, hazards and risks to make drivers aware of and ensure they are trained on which you might include in a drivers or transport induction.
This might range from Pre-start checks for vehicles through to how to care for company vehicles, the procedures for reporting faults or vehicle problems through to inducting drivers on the drivers manual, conduct on the road and understanding and managing driver fatigue.
Sometimes the driver induction forms part of your
contractor management system.
View Driver Induction Templates and Examples
Care of Company Vehicles

This section of a driver induction might cover the ins and outs of all company procedures around how to care for Company vehicles on an ongoing basis.
Commonly you might include topics in the induction around:
- how to keep the vehicle clean and tidy at all time
- following the road rules
- securing large items
- no smoking in vehicles
This is an important topic to make sure that drivers keep vehicles cared for and making sure they are aware of their obligations day to day when operating and using company vehicles. Arming them with a check list they can follow and check off against through the transport induction will help them understand what to do.
Pre-Start Checks for all Vehicles
This is where you prepare drivers for what to check prior to using the vehicle. This might be done as a pre-start check list every single time they go to use the vehicle (i.e. a truck driver doing a pre-start check list before a long haul usage of a truck).
Commonly here you might ensure the following types of checks are examined as part of this stage of the induction:
- check fuel level
- oil leaks check
- load restraints checks
- check horn
- windscreen wipers check
- first aid kits
- engine oil level
- Blood Alcohol content test
- structure and body work faults
- light checks
- PPE check
- Fire Extinguisher checks
- Radio checks
Plus many more that might be vehicle specific depending on the industry and type of vehicles being used.
Faults / Vehicle problem Reports
Through the driver induction, its important to make sure drivers are aware of the procedure and given the ability to report faults or vehicle problem reports. This might be done prior to using the vehicle and again upon concluding vehicle use.
- How to log a fault report
- Maintenance issues
- Vehicle problem log
Drivers Manual
Teh drivers manual is a formal chapter on the full transportation manual where the driver can go through all the content as one of the steps in their overall drivers induction. Here you might also include an assessment or checklist to make sure they understand and acknowledge important content from the drivers manual.
This might include areas such as conduct on the road for example.
Understanding Driver Fatigue
This is a major chatper to include in your drivers induction to make sure that transport drivers understand the critical signs and warnings around fatigue. This is a huge safety area for the drivers induction and often consists of topics such as:
- Microsleep dangers
- Fatigue warning signs
- how to manage fatigue
- breaks and other tips
- fatigue events
This is a must have topic in the drivers induction and a major safety awareness chapter.
Create a Drivers Induction Online
The best way to deliver a drivers induction is online! Try our ready to go drivers induction templates and examples or use our online drivers induction builder to create your one online: