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Best slides to include in your New Employee Induction
It's understandable to feel nervous before starting a new job, so your induction should help tackle this apprehension and make your new starters feel like they're prepared for their first day. Using digital resources, you should address questions that many new hires would want to know before their first day, with pre-boarding materials, such as:
- A brief overview of the company (your story and values)
- How to get to the offices and where to sign in
- Documentation to bring on the first day
- What to expect over the first day/ week
- Company dress codes
- Where to get lunch in the area/office
- What it is like to work in the company
It's easy to overlook company culture during your online induction training because companies become so focused on performance and training. Failing to share your culture with new starters could be a vital mistake because what's second nature to your organization and the way things run is unknown to a new hire and could lead to them feeling alienated or not fully understanding your core values and way of working.
Every organization has their own rules and expectations, so it's important to expose your new starters to this as early as possible.
Focus on educating new hires on everything that is important to your business. Whether that's if you adopt a more formal or casual approach, how teams work together, lunch, or team meeting traditions, the more unique things they know about your culture, the more confidence they will have in feeling like they have a place within your organization and can grow with the company.
Policies And Procedures
Every organization has a list of policies, normally too many to remember all at once. Focus on making your new starters aware of the key policies at first, and then direct them to where they can find other policies at their points of need.
You should focus on topics such as leave, sick time and pay, and holiday policies. It's also good to mention expenses, reimbursement policies and recognition awards, and benefits at this early stage.
It's important not to overload your new starters with policies and procedures all in one go, so just focus on their initial questions over their first few weeks within the company, and then tackle the rest over the upcoming months.
Offering information about compliance is important to avoid any serious issues further down the line. Your online induction training should cover your individual regulations and any security or legal issues. It's important to update these as and when are necessary, which can be easily managed when using digital resources.
Focus your compliance topics on documenting the company's zero-tolerance policies and commitment to having a safe working environment, such as:
- Anti-harassment and discrimination
- Customer service standards
- Workplace violence
- Workplace safety
- Diversity
- Conflicts of interest
- Fair disclosure
- Bribery
- Reporting violations
It's also important to go over Health and Safety training to minimize any risks and ensure your new starters are starting their new roles safely and informed.
Points covered here could include:
- Employer contact information
- Employer and employee rights and responsibilities
- Sickness policies
- Evacuation processes
- First aid and reporting accidents
- Workplace hazards
Keep your resources engaging and personal to your new starters. Focus on keeping the materials job-specific and relevant, and stress the importance of how serious your company takes their safety.
Try creating a new employee induction pack or using one of our ready to go
pack here.