Online Induction >> Employee Licence Management Software
Published 06/01/2025
Why is Employee Licence Management Important?

Organisations have varied staff roles across different departments and these staff have many different skillsets. Staff are often engaged for different job tasks and activities and some of these work activities require high risk licences. Other job roles may require medium / low risk licences.
The management of the evidence of training can be complex and involved given the wide range of different licences that staff hold across an organisation.
Many licences are issued by a third party organisation such as an external training partner or registered training organisation.
These licences are in different formats, issued across the year, with varying expiry periods.
Staying on top of when they expire and verifying that these licences are valid is a burdensome task, especially when there are so many across your entire workforce.
This is where employee licence management software comes into affect and plays the critical role of automating and systemising the entire process.
Licence management will often form a big part of your overall
supplier onboarding process,
contractor management system,
contractor prequalification or even be part of your
safety induction.
External Licence Management
There are many different external licence certification providers, training partners and registered training organisations that employees receive their training certificates from.
Staying on top of when they are due for renewal to ensure that staff remain compliant, certified and up to date can be critical for many different roles in the organisation.
Using employee licence management software, you can collect all licences for staff in a central portal and ensure that staff are providing the correct and valid licences based on their job role type and the risk level that their job role relates to.
A high risk worker for example may need to provide a much larger list of licences as part of their job role.
Using employee licence management software to control these external licences you can:
- keep on top of expiring external licences
- maintain a skills matrix of all external licences
- identify gaps from the matrix
- have a central database of all external training, training providers and external licences
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for managing licenses
Reminders when licences expire
Training, licences and certifications have different renewal periods and it can be complex staying on top of them for so many employees and lots of different
- automatically issue reminders 30 days before expiry, 14 days, again on the day and even setup grace periods
- employees log in and upload licences automatically based on their reminder prompt
- verification options around automatic detect and identify problems at upload through to review and verification of documentation
Identify what licences need to be provided
It may not be clear which licences an employee needs to provide you in the first place. Using licence management software, you can present a series of questions to understand the job task or role of the employee to systematically present the right licence upload fields to the employee.
For example, you might ask questions that help determine if they are a high risk worker and then collect a series of high risk related licences. If they are an electrician, an electrical licence, if they are a plumber, a plumbing licence, if they are a construction worker, all construction related licences.
Verification of Employee Licences and Training
A database of licences, certifications and other training materials can quickly grow into a massive list of materials in the multi thousands. It can become extremely time consuming and burdensome to visually sight and verify every single licence and training material.
Using AI technologies, you can systematically review and verify all materials at point of upload.
- Checking expiry dates to ensure they are valid
- Ensuring the right licence was uploaded
- Checking specific fields and values on a certification
- Systematically checking materials and identifying any issues automatically
Try our employee licence management software
See how licences can be automatically checked, verified and reminders managed online using employee licence management software