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Published 05/02/2022

Online Teaching Platforms: Guide, Setup and Tips

Student continuous education is critical in any future-oriented educational or teaching organization. Due to the ever-changing technology, teachers need to be educated on emerging technologies.

The only solution to the awareness is online teaching which accommodates both onsite and remote employees. Well, an online teaching platform is an interface that facilitates employees' learning. A learning platform is a system that enables secure, web-based training that uses a simple and intuitive user interface.

Online teaching platforms support and enhance the educational delivery to students. What to include in online teaching platforms and why different ones should be considered depends on the audience, purpose, mission and focus for online teaching.

Types of online teaching platforms

1. Webinars
Here you use webinars as a training platform for students. Trainees can view the content even after the webinar is closed.

2. Online Training via LMS
Here a techning program is implemented via a customized online training platform that needs registration guided by tailored questions. It is a unique and engaging tool that motivates the audience. This might include attendance reporting and training progress for participants.

3. Online Classrooms
Offering training to remote workers is no longer a challenge. Classroom tools offer a convenient approach for delivering training to onsite and remote employees or students.

4. Content Networks
Independant instructors or trainers create their courses which can be adopted online and then administered to students or trainees.

5. Cloud meetings
Web-based video conferencing used for a wide range of training purposes often for one-on-one, group video conferencing, screen sharing, and recording.

Benefits of online teaching platforms

- Easier information sharing
Resources are shared in a digital format; thus, it is easy to conduct workers overseas, outsourcing companies, and stakeholders from their comfort areas. When information is delivered whenever required, it is convenient for companies to utilize it and make robust decisions.

- Promotes health and safety
Training new hires remotely promotes healthy living and bars the spread of infectious diseases. During COVID-19 time, online teaching platforms were utilized maximum. All companies and institutions opted for Zoom, Google classrooms, and Udemy. When employees are trained from their comfort locations, they do not interact with their counterparts and stay safe.

- Economical
Online training is economical and time-consuming in that employees do not commute to training centers or offices. The cost that could be used in commuting is partially used for internet connection, and the rest is used for other needs.

- Prepares employees to work remotely in future
No one ever thought that a pandemic could cause tension in the world like COVID-19. COVID-19 triggered onsite working, and all employees were forced to work from home. Working from home required online platforms to do and submit tasks. Online teaching platforms prepare workers to work from home when the need arises if other pandemics or natural calamities trigger an economy like COVID-19.

- Natures life skills
Online classes are scheduled on a fixed timetable, and employees are forced to adapt to the schedule. Since it is critical to attend to the lessons from start to the end, they find themselves with timekeeping skills, punctuality, listening and speaking skills, and attention.

Employees trained online have access to a wide range of learning materials. It is essential for all managers who plan for remote training to consider either of the lists of online training platforms in this article.

Setting up an Online Teaching Platforms

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Teacher Induction