Online Induction >> Vaccine Management Software
Published 06/03/2022

Vaccine Management Software: Guide and What to include for 2024

Having the correct vaccine management software makes it easy to access employee, contractor, and visitor vaccination data across your company. This enables your HR and WHS team to protect your workforce, comply with your government's rules and regulations and ensure efficient and strategic business standards and practices. A Vaccine Management Platform is a tool that will help you effectively manage risk exposure, comply with vaccine mandates, and overall make informative WHS decisions.

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What is it?

To assist workplaces with managing vaccines in the workplace, we have created a Vaccine Management Software. This will help with the management of your contractors, staff, visitors, and sites with reducing any risks and improving COVID-19 awareness in the workplace. Situations across the globe are constantly changing everyday making it hard for businesses to keep up with the required rules and regulations.

Whether your organisation operates in a high-risk zone or with reduced restrictions - it is equally important to ensure anyone who steps into and operates within your business are aware of the COVID-19 coronavirus policies, procedures, local health authority updates, alerts, protocols, and site access information to be job ready, work safely and be aware of the risks and practices around COVID-19 and working on site.

Why is it important to have a Vaccine Management Platform?

Every company across the globe is now lawfully required to implement a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy as a condition of entry for contractors, employees, visitors, and others who will need to attend your work site.

Vaccination Certificates

If your business requires mandatory vaccinations, you can require individuals to upload a copy of their COVID-19 certificate and enter past or future dates to state when they have had or will have their 1st, 2nd, and booster shots. This will ensure all people entering your site and workplace are compliant with keeping themselves and everyone else safe.

Depending on a worker's job position and trade type may depend on their risk and requirement to undergo certain vaccinations. For example, a worker in construction may require a mandatory vaccination whereas a HR office worker may not.

There are also cases where individuals may have a medical exemption to the vaccine. In this case, our Vaccine Management Software can identify if they have a medical exemption in process, awaiting a specialist appointment or have an exemption for 7 days or less.

Satisfaction and Comfort

If it is a mandatory policy for all contractors, employees, visitors, and individuals stepping into your worksite to be vaccinated, our Vaccine Management Software will be able to make this a condition of entry and make for easy management of various vaccination records all in one database.

Why is it important?

It is extremely important to have a Vaccine Management Software to protect your workers and ensure confidence that all employees are protected and complying with all workplace policies and regulations, giving all staff a safe place to work and conduct business. Having a Vaccine Management Software provides complete transparency between you and your employees with identifying who has been vaccinated in the company across all sites and offices. This delivers visibility across the organisation to the correct WHS teams.

A Vaccine Management Software will be able to create an accurate and real-time risk profile to pinpoint and isolate WHS and operational risks by accumulating the correct vaccination data. You will also be able to determine who is allowed access into your site and work place using the data collected from the Vaccine Management Software.

There are key factors why it is important to implement a Vaccine Management Software:

- To keep on top of worker and contractor vaccine status and future vaccinations.
- Be able to identify and eliminate potential exposures to infected employees.
- Organise your company's reporting and generate reports to reveal vaccination data points and pattens
- Undergo related actions to implement the appropriate hazard action plans and procedures.

Using a Vaccine Management Software, companies and organisations can invite employees, contractors, visitors and whoever is entering their site to confirm their vaccination status, receive on-time vaccination verification, view exemptions, download and export data.

With innovative and efficient reporting and notifications, admin processes are easy to manage by site, teams, representative and others. Workers will have access to update and edit their data through the Vaccine Management software portal and mobile application.

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