Online Induction >> Contractor Prequalification

Sample Contractor Prequalification Form

Essentially, a contractor prequalification form is a document used by organizations to assess and vet potential contractors before engaging in any projects. It's like a sneak peek into the capabilities and qualifications of a contractor to ensure they're the right fit for the job.

By filling out this form, contractors can showcase their expertise, experience, financial stability, safety records, and more. It's essentially a way for both parties to gain peace of mind before kicking off any projects. Plus, it helps streamline the selection process and ensures that only qualified contractors make the cut. This is commonly part of your contractor management system and is followed by a contractor induction or a safety induction. Sometimes this is also part of a permit to work process.

What exactly goes into a contractor prequalification form?

Think of it as a comprehensive snapshot of a contractor's background and capabilities. From details about their company structure and insurance coverage to their track record on previous projects and commitment to safety standards - it's all in there. This form allows organizations to make informed decisions based on concrete data rather than just crossing their fingers and hoping for the best.

When it comes down to it, a contractor prequalification form is all about setting everyone up for success. By taking the time to complete this document thoroughly and accurately, contractors can position themselves as reliable partners in any project. And on the flip side, organizations can rest easy knowing they've done their homework before bringing a contractor on board. So whether you're a seasoned pro or new to the game, understanding this process is key to making sure your next project runs like clockwork.

Understanding this essential tool can make all the difference when it comes to selecting trustworthy partners for your projects. So stay tuned as we unpack everything you need to know about navigating these forms like a pro!

Below is a sample contractor prequalification form with common fields you might capture as part of the contractor prequalification process. Here either a contractor administrator or representative works through the form before their organisation is approved to work on site. This is commonly done before or as part of their online induction process.

Contractor Prequalification Template

Are you a sole trader

Business structure

Contact email

Postal Address




After hours contact number

Number of employees

If your company has a Safety Management System recognised by an independent authority

Does your company have a safety policy and is it regularly reviewed

Does your company keep up to date with legislative and regulatory changes and ensure that relevant changes are incorporated into your company procedures and practices

Does your company conduct regular internal audits of its own operations

Does your company have a system for recording and analysing safety performance statistics

Does your company have documented procedures for completion of High Risk Work

Does your company have documented procedures for Storage and handling of hazardous materials inc safety data sheets

Does your company have documented procedures for safe manual handling

Does your company have documented procedures for environmental management including disposal of waste

If you answered No to any of the above questions please use this space to detail how you manage these items

Does your company have procedures to ensure that all hazards and incidents are reported and investigated

Do you have trained First Aiders equipment and procedures in place in the event of an injury or illness

Do you undertake induction training for your employees and subcontractors

Does your company have documented plant risk assessments SWMS and operating instructions for all plant and equipment to be brought onsite

Does your company have a documented maintenance program or other formal procedure for all plant equipment and tools to be used on site

If required is appropriate Personal Protective Equipment PPE issued to your employees and subcontractors and are all personnel trained in its proper use

Public Liability Insurance

Workers Compensation

Personal Injury Insurance

Professional Indemnity Insurance

View Prequalification Templates, Forms and Examples

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