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Onboarding Presentation: Best Setup, Guide and Examples

Published 28/05/2024

An onboarding presentation serves as a core tool in integrating new employees into the company culture, processes, and expectations. It provides a comprehensive overview of the organization's mission, vision, and values, setting the tone for a successful start to their journey with the company. By outlining key information about policies, procedures, benefits, and resources available to them, an onboarding presentation helps new hires feel confident and informed as they navigate their role within the company. Additionally, it can be tailored to address specific departmental needs or industry standards, ensuring that new employees are equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to contribute effectively from day one. Ultimately, an onboarding presentation is designed to streamline the assimilation process for new team members and lay the foundation for their long-term success within the organization.

When devising an onboarding presentation, it's important to cover a range of key topics that will help new employees acclimate to their roles and the company culture. The presentation should include an overview of the company's mission, vision, and values, as well as an introduction to key team members and departments. Additionally, providing information about company policies and procedures, benefits packages, and career development opportunities can help set new hires up for success.

Incorporating interactive elements into the onboarding presentation can make the experience more engaging for new employees. Consider including quizzes or group activities that encourage participation and reinforce important information. By fostering a sense of involvement and collaboration from the start, new hires are more likely to feel connected to their colleagues and the organization as a whole.

An effective onboarding presentation should also address expectations for performance and conduct within the company. This could involve outlining specific job responsibilities, discussing performance metrics, and highlighting examples of successful work within the organization. Communicating these expectations clearly from the beginning can help new employees understand what is required of them and how they can contribute to the company's success.

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Best topics to include in a Onboarding Presentation

To provide a comprehensive understanding of the company's culture and history, consider incorporating testimonials from current employees who have experienced successful onboarding processes themselves. These personal stories can offer valuable insights into what it's like to work at the company and help new hires feel more connected to their future colleagues.

Including information about workplace safety protocols, emergency procedures, and any other relevant compliance regulations is essential in an onboarding presentation. Employees need to be aware of potential risks in their work environment and how to respond appropriately in case of emergencies. By addressing these topics early on, companies demonstrate their commitment to employee well-being and create a safer working environment for everyone.

In addition to covering internal aspects of the company, it's important to provide new hires with an understanding of external factors that may impact their role or industry. This could include market trends, competitor analysis, or industry-specific regulations. Equipping employees with this knowledge can help them better understand their place within the broader business landscape.

Concluding the onboarding presentation with a clear outline of next steps helps new employees feel supported as they transition into their roles. This could involve setting up follow-up meetings with managers or mentors, providing resources for continued learning and development, or simply reinforcing that there are channels available for seeking further assistance or clarification as needed.

Common onboarding presentation topics might include:

- Introduction to the company: an overview of the company's history, mission, and values. This will help new employees gain a better understanding of the organization's culture

- Company structure and departments: the company's organizational structure and the different departments or teams that make up the company. This will help new employees understand how their role fits into the larger picture

- Company policies and procedures: the company's policies and procedures, such as dress code, attendance, and communication protocols. This will ensure that new employees are aware of the rules and expectations from the beginning

- Employee benefits and perks: the benefits and perks that the company offers, such as health insurance, retirement plans or gym memberships. This will help new employees feel valued and appreciated

- Job responsibilities and expectations: outline the main responsibilities and expectations of the new employee's role. This will give them a better understanding of what is expected of them and what they will be working on

- Tools and resources: introduce new employees to the various tools and resources they will need to do their job efficiently, such as software, equipment and databases. This will help them get familiar with everything they need to know to be successful in their new role

- Training and development opportunities: any training and development opportunities that the company offers, such as workshops, conferences or online courses. This will show new employees that the company is invested in their growth and development

- Company culture and team dynamics: the company's culture and the dynamics of the team. This will help new employees understand how to communicate and work effectively with their colleagues

- Employee expectations and behavior: the company's expectations for employee behavior, such as professionalism, collaboration and open communication. This will help new employees understand the company's values and how to conduct themselves in the workplace

-. Q&A session: for any questions they may have. This will help clarify any doubts and ensure that new employees feel comfortable and informed.

View a sample Onboarding Presentation

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Who to Onboard?

Commonly you'll be onboarding:

- new employees

- contractors

- volunteers

- existing employees for annual re-onboarding

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