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Published 04/11/2023

5 Must Have Permit to Work Software Forms

Many businesses rely on maintaining a safe working environment, but the permit to work management process can often be complicated and time-consuming.

If you have contractors coming to site and conducting work activities, there are a range of common situations where a job activity could be a high risk task. The nature of work for a returning contractor could change day to day, job to job. They may be doing low risk work 4 days straight but on the 5 day, the task now involves something that would be considered a high risk task. This is where a permit to work might be needed. We've compiled a list of five must have software forms that can help streamline your permit to work system for increased efficiency and safety, especially for 5 of the most common high risk work types. Let's get into it!

Confined Space Permit to Work Form

A confined space permit is required for job tasks that involve an enclosed or partially enclosed work space that is not designed or intended primarily to be occupied by a person or is likely to be a risk to health and safety due to hazards and conditions such as safe oxygen levels contaminants, gases, vapours dusts or other hazardous conditions that may cause injury.

See more on a confined space permit to work

LV and HV Electrical Permit to Work

A LV and HV Electrical Permit to Work will cover high risk electrical works that range from LV to HV. Areas such as switching operations, creating an exclusion zone, creating a switching program that has been developed and peer reviewed, electrical hazard identification and controls and electrical isolations.

See more on a LV and HV Electrical Permit to Work

Working at Heights Permit to Work

A Working at Heights permit is required for job tasks and activities that involving elevated work platforms, roof access and other working at heights job activities.

See more on a Working at Heights Permit to Work

Hydraulic Works and Isolation Permit to Work

A Hydraulic Works and Isolation permit is required for job tasks and activities that involve Hydraulic Works and Isolation.

See more on a Hydraulic Works and Isolation Permit to Work

Hot Works Permit to Work

A hot work permit is required for temporary job tasks that involve open flames or producing heat and / or sparks.

See more on a Hot Works Permit to Work

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Hot Work Permit

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Permit to Work App

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