Online Induction >> Permit to Work Software >> Critical Fire Protection and Isolation Permit
Published 04/11/2023
Critical Fire Protection and Isolation Permit to Work Template
This permit to work template is used for Critical Fire Protection and Isolation Permits.
It will cover areas such as working with Dry Fire Isolations, Dry Fire Isolations, Fire services on standby, fire deisolation and the relevant hazard and risk identification for critical fire protection and isolations.
With a Critical Fire Protection and Isolation Permit, you might assess the following fields:
Location of work
Task Description
Dry Fire Isolations
Wet Fire Isolations
How many hours do you intend on isolating part or all of the fire ring main water
Provide a diagram of the proposed isolated area
Hazard and Risk Identification
List the names of all persons involved
Detail the alternative fire protection to been organised for the duration of the isolation
Fire services on standby
Fire trailer
Additional fire extinguishers
Dry fire isolation- Please call Security to complete on the day of works
Date of isolation
Time of isolation
Dry fire deisolation
Date of deisolation
Time of deisolation
Create your own form and workflows
Try setting up an online permit to work management system to issue and manage Critical Fire Protection and Isolation Permits: