Online Induction >> Permit to Work Software >> Confined Space Permit
Published 01/06/2024

Confined Space Permit Template

A confined space permit is required for job tasks that involve an enclosed or partially enclosed work space that is not designed or intended primarily to be occupied by a person or is likely to be a risk to health and safety due to hazards and conditions such as safe oxygen levels contaminants, gases, vapours dusts or other hazardous conditions that may cause injury. Hazards or risks from fire or explosion, harmful concentrations of any contaminants or other dangerous fire risks.

Examples might include: tanks, pits, pipes, containers, ducts, sewers, flues, chimneys, silos, pressure vessels, wet or dry wells.

Risks faced in a confined space might include: loss of consciousness, impairment, injury or even death from asphyxiation from oxygen deficiency or exposure to contaminants. There could also be injury from a fire or explosion.

When considering the various applications of a Confined Space Permit, it's important to recognize the diverse range of scenarios in which this permit is necessary. Whether it's for conducting maintenance and repairs within enclosed areas or performing inspections in spaces with limited access, the Confined Space Permit plays a crucial role in ensuring safety and compliance. Additionally, industries such as construction, manufacturing, and utilities frequently require this permit for tasks that involve working within confined spaces. By understanding these example use cases for utilizing a Confined Space Permit, businesses can prioritize the well-being of their workers while adhering to regulatory standards.

Confined Space Template

Confined spaces are high risk work environment. With a confined space permit, you might assess the following:

- Location of work
- Description of work
- Isolation requirements (water, gas, chemicals, mechanical, hydraulic, electrical etc)
- Atmosphere conditions (oxygen levels, flammable gas etc)
- Area checks
- PPE checks
- Emergency response checks
- Specific site precautions

These are just a few or many areas you might include in a confined space permit form. Additionally you need to capture the contractors details who is completing the work and have a proper permit to work system process for approval and notification workflows.

QR Code Confined Space Permit to Work Template

Try scanning this QR code for an example Confined Space Permit to Work form

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Permit Management
(Guide, Setup and Examples)

Managing Permits to work
(How to setup a Permit to Work System)

Permitting for Contractors
(Templates and Forms)

Permit to Work App
(Mobile Work Permits App)

Common Permit to Work Forms

Hot Work Permit

Confined Space Permit

Working at Heights Permit

Mechanical works and Isolation Permit to Work

Critical Fire Protection and Isolation Permit to Work

HV & LV Electrical Works and Isolations Permit

Hydraulic Works and Isolation Permit

Crane Lift Permit to Work

Electrical Permit to Work

Excavation Permit to Work

Safe Work Permit

Permit to Work Register

Permit to Work Procedure

Permit to Work Articles

What is a Permit to Work

10 Best Permit to Work Templates

5 Must Have Permit to Work Software Forms