Online Induction >> Permit to Work Software >> Chemical Permit
Published 22/01/2024

Chemical Permit to Work Template

This permit to work template is used for dangerous chemicals permits.

It will cover areas such as performing any works relating to the use of chemicals in the workplace is required.

Chemical works are commonly seen as a very hazardous tasks due to potential exposure to chemicals which can result in burns and both short term and long term ill health effects.

An example could be a chemical spill in the workplace affecting both the worker and other staff or the general public.

It's important for this task to ensure that proper hazard identification, risk assessment and control processes are put in place before undertaking chemical works activities. This will include checks around monitoring performance and reviewing control measures, consulting with workers, making sure all workers have done an induction and related training programs, undertaking safe work methods, inspection and maintenance, understanding and induction on emergency rescue procedures and safety management policies and procedures.


With a Chemical Permit, you might assess the following fields:

- Site
- Date
- Project
- Chemicals being used
- MSDS checks
- Storage, retrieval and usage checks
- PPE checks
- Description of Work to be done
- Checks around hazard identification and risk assessment
- Special Precautions
- All actions and conditions necessary for safe work will be performed
- List the names of all persons involved
- Ensuring any buried services are not damaged
- Certificates of training licenses reviewed and inductions confirmed
- Method statement reviewed
- Approval to proceed

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Permit Management
(Guide, Setup and Examples)

Managing Permits to work
(How to setup a Permit to Work System)

Permitting for Contractors
(Templates and Forms)

Permit to Work App
(Mobile Work Permits App)

Common Permit to Work Forms

Hot Work Permit

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Hydraulic Works and Isolation Permit

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Electrical Permit to Work

Excavation Permit to Work

Safe Work Permit

Permit to Work Register

Permit to Work Procedure

Permit to Work Articles

What is a Permit to Work

10 Best Permit to Work Templates

5 Must Have Permit to Work Software Forms