Online Induction >> Employee Training Plan
Published 16/12/2022

New Employee Training Plan: Guide, Tips and Setup

Training and onboarding new employees are critical processes in the organization. Employees will be more productive and willing to work when they are confident of the processes they undertake. The training imparts knowledge and skills they need for routine activities.

Training is provided when recruits are hired when new machines and processes are introduced, and when new government regulations are introduced. Training is an ongoing process but not an easy-to-do task for large organizations with complex training logistics. In this article, I have detailed steps to creating an effective training plan.

Employee training process

1. Identify employee requirement
Whether recruits or existing employees, the management must carry out analysis by interviewing them or providing questionnaires. The analysis gives unbiased information because questionnaires are free and guarantee privacy. The analysis gives the skills already possessed by existing employees and those who need to be taught to the recruits, skills missing and are required to improve workflows, and skills needed to support new products in the market.

2. Get an inventory of the training resources.
Training is a process that demands a high volume of capital and human resource. A checklist is required for inspecting the available resources within the organization, missing and the ones that can be outsourced.

On the human resource side, the organization evaluates the availability of staff to carry out the process. In most cases, pre-training is outsourced because it demands much input from staff, and the company does the regular training. The Inventory helps in planning for the training budget.

3. Involve management
The management has to be informed when the process starts, the desired budget, and the duration. They use the information to plan for the allocation of duties and resources while ensuring the routine is not affected. The training becomes successful when management supports it.

4. Implement feedback
Nothing in this world is perfect from the get-go, so the training process should have a feedback mechanism. Mistakes are factual, and they should be corrected and change the plan to accommodate changes while tracking progress. To get unbiased feedback, the plan should have an opportunity to conduct surveys for trainers and trainees to evaluate the progress.

5. Create an employee training plan
The employee plan is the center of discussion. This step puts the plan on paper by incorporating the tools, equipment, human resource, curriculum, and feedback to get a precise, clear, and polished document.

Training of new employees

Hiring and firing go hand in hand, but the latter is not a good workplace practice. Though hiring managers hire competent candidates who know what is expected, they lack practical skills. Training of recruits is a requirement for companies that demand high production for recruits. Pre-training equips the new hires with knowledge of executing tasks and confidence for doing work effectively.

The cost of training new employees is pretty high, but the reward is worth the cost. It is considered a long-term human resource investment. It streamlines workflow, and high production is realized within a short period after hiring. A company that realizes maximum return on human resource investment is the one that does not fire quickly and utilizes employees until retirement.

Importance of training new employees

- Improve efficiency
No one was ever comfortable when executing a task without the proper knowledge required. New employees, when pre-trained, efficiency drastically improves because of confidence which leads to high production.

- Improve morale
Morale is the activator for efficiency and effectiveness. Guess how the workplace would be with employees who are irritated by the lack of training! Training and onboarding of recruits promote work and team morale.

- Reduce supervisorily
Trained employees need less or no supervision since they understand the processes. Supervisors who could be supervising the recruits are assigned other tasks and also are reduced by management.

Despite knowing production processes, new employees need to be trained to gain practical knowledge. When hiring, they usually have a theory of what is expected but are not precisely aware of the procedures, so pre-training is mandatory.

Guide to setting up a new employee training plan

Training is fundamental for recruits to get going on the right foot. A new employee training plan assists business pioneers with updating recently added team members while assisting them with the feeling of appreciation at the organization. An effective plan focuses on existing workers' insight, a recruit's learning inclinations, and steady improvement and refinement.

A new employee training plan helps employees move from amateur to expert quickly. Training offers one-on-one engagement with the trainers, which gives the recruits a space to ask questions about their new roles. This article investigates what a successful new employee training plan requires and explains how to transform new workers into first-rate colleagues.

Elements of new employee training plan

- Specific training for different roles
A successful training plan should serve all new hires in specific roles. A training plan should be based on each task, experience level and department. For example, if you train the engineering team, create a plan for the engineering department instead of lumping all new hires into one training plan.

- Assessment
Curiosity should lead the training manager to identify the organization's needs. Practical training should answer who needs to be trained and for what role. To understand this, they must know the organization's past, present, and future. A training gap helps in knowing the current performance and the anticipated performance. - Core knowledge
A new employee training plan aims to instil new skills in new hires. New hires should know precisely what they need to know to save time. It lowers the chances of recruits being overwhelmed with too much unnecessary training.

- Modern training content
Gone are the days when training was conducted manually in conference rooms. Technology has offered new and reliable space for training recruits. To ensure learners are engaged, use online platforms to administer training. Online training platforms offer less content and complete self-assessment practicals.

- Proper training at the right time
Each department's core functions help determine how and when a new hire will require specific training. All training plans should follow the analogy of "learn to walk before you run". Since training is a process, it starts from the simplest and gradually increases to ambiguous processes. The gradual increment eliminates horrible experiences.

- Feedback
Training is aimed at empowering employees to apply skills in their tasks. After training, the training manager follows up and evaluates whether they grasped everything learned during training.

- Importance of new employee training plan
Keep pace with changing technology.

Technology is drastically changing, and companies need to keep pace with it. Companies develop training programs for new employees to equip them with the technology present in the company instead of leaving them to learn for themselves.

- Improve job satisfaction
New employee training improves employees' career growth. When recruits sense that their boss is helping them upgrade their skills and knowledge, they feel motivated, increasing job satisfaction.

- Lower employee turnover
Investing in employees is a worthy asset because they will never leave for other companies. A company that does not support its employees will suffer shortages when least expected because when employees decide to leave, they go without notice and production is altered.

- Less supervision
It is usual for new hires to be closely supervised before they master their roles. Supervision efforts reduce when they are trained before assuming roles because they know what they will be doing and when.

- Improved production
At the time of recruitment, new hires are in darkness about how they will execute the tasks, although they possess soft skills. They become eligible for higher production targets when they undergo training than when not trained.

Training is not about providing tutorials, PDFs and fancy courses; it's about new employee development, making them valuable and productive in achieving organizational goals.

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