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Published 14/05/2024

Site Induction Checklist Template

This is a template for a site induction check list that forms part of the overall site induction for contractors, employees or visitors. Its primary purpose is to provide a comprehensive overview of the site's rules, regulations, and safety procedures. By systematically covering topics such as emergency protocols, personal protective equipment requirements, and hazard identification, the checklist helps to mitigate potential risks and promote a secure work environment. Additionally, it serves as a record of acknowledgment from each individual that they have been briefed on the necessary guidelines before commencing any activities on-site.

It can help ensure that important policies, procedures and plans are available and are acknowledged before new starters arrive on site and begin their job task or activity. Site induction check lists might be done before a new starter arrives on site or it could be done post induction with a line manager or supervisor. Try creating one right here.

What is a Site Induction Checklist used for?

Commonly a site induction checklist is used as part of inducting a new starter into the workplace to ensure they are job ready and prepared for their first day on site, job task or activity, especially around acknowledging important policies and procedures around safety, risks and hazard awareness on site.

The Site Induction Checklist plays an essential role in streamlining the onboarding process for new personnel and subcontractors. It facilitates clear communication of site-specific expectations and procedures, ensuring that all individuals are well-informed and prepared to adhere to the required safety standards. Furthermore, by documenting each individual's completion of the induction process, the checklist provides a tangible record of compliance for regulatory purposes. This not only demonstrates due diligence in prioritizing safety but also helps to protect against potential liabilities in the event of an incident or inspection.

Example Site Induction Checklist
Have gone through site tour

Understand location of fire extinguishers

Have understood emergency evacuation area procedure

Have gone through site hazards to be aware of

Understand incident reporting requirements

Understand site access

Understand sign in and sign out process

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