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Rate your contractors: Performance Managing Contractors

Rating your contractors is an excellent way to categorise who you should be engaging for work. Rating contractors isn't just based on performance but a number of key metrics ranging from risk level, safety history, compliance status and work history.

When using a Contractor Management System, adding in a rating section makes it easier to issue work orders to preferred and top rated contractors.

Risk Ratings

Rating by risk level refers to the risk level of the contracting company and its workers. Are they in a high risk work role, medium risk or low risk? High risk activities might require a higher level of induction with more materials to be collected from them, high levels of insurance, a more detailed induction process, check lists and assessments to ensure their level of compliance is sufficient.

Safety Ratings

Safety ratings might be based on historical safety history evidence such as reportable incidents, number of safety incidents, history of injuries and accidents in order to gauge the level of safety the contractor has and is likely to have on site.

Rating Contractor Work History

Work history ratings may go through areas such as provision of service, any defects, customer feedback and references.

Contractor ratings aren't just a score out of ten, they should include notes, individual staff ratings, an overall safety rating and score in order to classify what level of contractor they are and if they should be getting work from your organisation.

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