Online Induction >> Visitor Log Book
Published 05/12/2024
Visitor Log Book
- Online Comparison

A visitor log book is the core tool for capturing who is coming in and out of your workplace. It is a record of the current visitors on site, who they are, what company they represent, who they are visiting, time in, time out, contact details and purpose of visit.
A digital visitor log book is an online and interactive registry of all visitors on site and their historical sign in activity. This might include mapping their location via GPS for remote work sites through to more advanced sign in workflows being recorded as part of the sign in registry going far beyond just a log book of sign ins.
It can be a searchable registry of who is on site right now and engage the visitor with a more interactive sign in workflow and process covering important areas such as vaccination declarations, health screening, viewing emergency procedure content or capturing their photo as part of the sign in process. This will form part of your overall
visitor sign in system.
View Log Book Templates, Forms and Examples
Comparison: Online VS Paper Based Log Book
Visitor log books can be either paper based or online. A paper based log book will literally be at reception requiring the visitor to sign in using a pen to fill out their contact details, person visiting and time in.
an online visitor log book is a far more streamlined and automated approach where information is inputted digitally, photos can be captured, timestamps in and out are recorded, digital notifications can be generated to the person being visited, blocks can be put in place to prevent unwanted guests and with a digital record of who is currently on site right now, you can send out alerts in the event of an emergency to warn everyone who is currently on site right now (i.e. emergency evacuations).
iPad or Tablet Log Book in Reception
When using an online visitor log book, the most common method of delivery is on a tablet or iPad. You might wall mount it or have it presented on a stand for quick and easy sign in and sign out by visitors in the workplace.
Running out of pages and needing a new log book

When going the paper based option, eventually you will run out of pages and need to purchase a new visitor log book. Compare that to an online visitor log book where you don't need to replenish the log book each time it runs out. Being entirely online gives you unlimited log book sign ins digitally.
Visitor Records
With a paper based log book, its very difficult to work through who signed in, when, how often, from which companies, different hand writing styles, illegibility and inconsistency.
Compare that to an online format where everything inputted is consistent, legible, auditable, can be tracked from reporting and registries and you can easily drill down into different details.
Going beyond a visitor log book
With an online log book you can introduce visitor inductions and emergency plan acknowledgement in an online format. Ensure visitors go through important safety and workplace topics including digitally acknowledging they understand them as they arrive on site.
Visitor Log Book Software
Visitor Log Book Software is an important tool for businesses to track who visits their location and when they are coming. It is a great way for companies to monitor activity, ensure safety, and maintain security. Whether your business requires all customers to check in, you want greater control over access rights and permissions or just need to know who's entering different areas of the building - visitor log book software can help make it easy!
When implementing Visitor Log Book software there are multiple features that businesses should look for such as ease of use, robustness of reporting tools needed to produce data-driven insights and tracking capabilities of visitors that will allow you historical information about them. Additionally, some systems give you the ability to create custom forms so visitors can provide information about themselves when arriving at your premises while others may even grant access privileges such as providing after hours entry with special pass codes without compromising on security policy.
Overall Visitor Log Book Software empowers companies by streamlining processes from check-in right through until departure allowing employees peace of mind when adding another layer into managing workplace safety and security.
- setup a digital log of all sign ins
- registry of who is on site today
- view historical records and track time in and out on site
Discover our Visitor Management platform
Create custom visitor sign in workflows
A visitor log bog is obviously going to be quite limited in what workflows can be triggered compared to an online format where you can systemise and automatically generate custom workflows around notifications of who is on site, present prescreening forms for health check history and status or even content to acknowledge such as safety information or evacuation procedures and issue an induction card or sign in sticker at the end.
Automatic ID sticker printing

With an online visitor log book you can generate ID stickers for visitors as they sign in on site. Compare this to a paper based log book, ID sticker printing is not automated or tied to the sign process or may not even be in place at all.
See more on
visitor badge system.
The verdict? Paper or Online visitor log book
For a more functional, comprehensive, auditable, engaging and trackable experience, an online visitor log book is the way to go.
Try creating one right here:
Security is the topmost priority in public and private facilities. However, the use of a manual sign-in and out system puts the security of a facility at risk.
Visitor Badge System
Issue badges to visitors on arrival, either printed or digital
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a visitor logbook?
It is a critical tool for capturing incoming and outgoing guests in and out of a facility. It is a record book for tracking visitors' identity, the office or building they want to visit, and sign-in and out time. Also, the logbook records the visitors' belongings before entering the building.
Visitors logbooks are of two types; paper-based and digital logbooks. For a long time, traditional logbooks have been used, but they are inadequate regarding security perils.
In digital logbooks, think of a face scanner registering a visitor's face, a biometric for registering fingerprints, national ID scanning, QR code scanning, and alarms for alerting security personnel if a signed-in guest fails to sign out.
Digital powered logbooks register details electronically and store the information in a data bank which is easy to access. With improved technology, digitizing security is the way to go. Automated logbooks can create awareness among the on-premise visitors' in case of danger.
Why have a digital visitors logbook
- Replacing traditional visitor logbooks with digital ones comes with lots of benefits.
- Advanced security and safety.
- Since buildings and offices must have competent registration systems that restrict entry to unauthorized people, digital logbook comes in to solve security problems. The use of automated log books takes security to another level.
- The increasing cases of terrorism demand competent systems that can detect fingerprints and IDs registered with the criminal offense department. Also, face recognition scanning helps detect unknown criminals on the run.
- Deteriorating security was once a problem in big offices and public places, but the cases are decreasing. Thanks to Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Augmented Reality. Sensors are placed at the entrance points to detect explosives and ammunition.
- Automated logbooks come with emergency detection systems for notifying onsite visitors in case there are natural calamities, terrorism attacks, fire, and falling buildings. In case either of these misfortunes happens, digital logbooks help in the evacuation because the list of people inside and respective areas is known. In case of an attack, a digital logbook and CCTV cameras footage help identify attackers and their details.
- Eliminate theft and maltreatment of equipment
- In some high-tech companies, visitors are given access to equipment, and knowing that their details are recorded, they become responsible when handling the equipment. Theft is reduced because of the use of tags. The logbook is incorporated with a data bank that stores tags so that in case a visitor steals equipment, it is detected at the exit.
What kind of reporting do you get with an online visitor logbook
- Automated logbooks have a dashboard where the trend of visitors can be monitored and the reasons for visiting the office. For example, an organization that offers guidance to clients can use the trend to analyze peak and off-peak seasons, the flow of customers, and the department receiving a high number of customers departments with low turnover.
- Digital logbooks offer cloud-based solutions.
- Digital logbooks preserve visitors' confidential information since the information is stored in the cloud. The drawback of traditional visitor logbooks is that visitors can pass by and check other visitors' personal information, thus risking confidentiality. The information stored in the data bank can only be accessed by authorized personnel.
With the growing insecurities, it is important for every workplace that hosts employees and other staff to have a digital logbook to protect the occupants and guests and their data. As it is called, the pen and paper system should be abandoned and technology-based logbooks adopted.