With the Work Sign app, you can geofence your workplace and automatically sign in and sign out workers as they arrive on site by creating a site geofence. As workers, contractors or visitors walk into the geofence location, they'll be signed in or out automatically.
A truly automated and streamlined way to check in and check out your workforce from different work sites. Know who is at which site and where right now and in real-time.
Setup a Geofence Boundary for your site
Create GPS based geofence locations around your sites. 25 meters, 50 meters, 100 meters... you define the boundary and as contractors, visitors and employees walk in and out of the boundary, they are automatically checked in and out of the site.
Visitor Management using Geofencing
An extremely innovative way to manage visitors arriving on site is using a geofence boundary. As visitors arrive on site or at the workplace, they can be checked in and checked out by simply coming in and out of the geofence boundary.
Using the Work Sign
visitor sign in app you can setup different sites, site access areas, workplace locations or work sites with latitude or longitude coordinates to define the geofence boundary.
Workflows can be setup to send notifications for when the visitor is at a location. The visitor can see on their phone their location and if they are within the geofence boundary or not.
Geofencing Contractors
It works exactly the ame for contractors, enabling them to see geofence locations near them and check in and check out as they move between jobs at different buildings or sites. You can attach workflows to the sign in process to cross check the
Contractor Induction status and their overall
Detailed tracking

Who is currently on site right now

Visual breakdown of the entire portfolio of sites and who is at what site right now

Breakdown of times on site and historical tracking

Integrate the data into other systems
Mobile based or Tablets
Everyone can check in from their phone or tablet as they go in and out of the geofence boundary.
Ready to try out a sign in / sign out app for your workplace on tablet / iPad?