Online Induction >> Visitor Sign In Induction System
Published 27/02/2025

Visitor Sign In System
- Contractor Sign In Software

A visitor sign in system for workplaces is the first engagement for not just visitors but also contractors or staff to ensure they not only check in and out on site but also are inducted, acknowledge important check lists, are aware of critical workplace safety information, hazards, emergency procedures and are compliant. Typically it's setup using a tablet at a reception area running a site sign in app. A sign in sticker might be issued as part of the visitor sign in process or a card if it's a contractor.

Using the Work Sign visitor and contractor sign in app, you can create great sign in experiences for your staff and visitors but also ensure its quick, consistent and professional. Everyone should be signed in when visiting a worksite, workplace or project and the most modern and effective way to do that is with a sign in system.

View example registry, explore different sign in approaches
(QR sign in, Kiosk / App setup, range of hardware integrations)

Popular links: What is a visitor sign in system | Sign in Hardware | Visitor Management | Visitor Sign In App | Construction Sign In | School Sign In | Reception Sign In Sheet App | Geofence your site | Register here | Construction Site Attendance
Reception Sign in System | Create a free app account

Reception Sign In System for Visitors and Contractors

Setting up an electronic sign in system for sign in at reception is easy, you can establish hardware such as a iPad or tablet device and running the Work Sign app, you can enable all visitors and contractors to easily sign in and out on site as well as going through a visitors induction and printing an induction card or sticker for recurring visits. Visitor or Contractor Sign In and management system at reception is made even easier with our dedicated sign in management portal and visitor sign in app for site based visitor and contractor induction and management.

One of the most cost effective, comprehensive and innovative visitor sign in management systems online - see it for your self from the demo opposite! Available for iPad or Android.

Induct on important safety and organisation information your visitors either before they arrive on site or as they come to reception as well as tracking their sign in and sign out times on site all from an easy to use and setup signin app.

Visitor Induction and Contractor Safety Checks

It's critical to ensure that you don't just sign in visitors or contractors and that's the end of it. When they sign in, this is a fantastic opportunity to also ensure they go through a visitors induction. Make sure all visitors know what is expected of them on site, what safety procedures they need to be aware of (after all, they aren't as familiar with your work place as you are!), help them be aware of incident procedures, hazards to be aware of, evacuation and emergency procedures. Even capture their next of kin details in the event of an emergency.

- Automatically ensure all visitors and contractors have completed an induction as part of their sign in process. If not inducted, they complete the induction when signing in

- Take them through emergency procedures, safety materials and conduct other safety and compliance checks

- Setup different workflows for different role types: contractors, delivery drivers, visitors or other custom roles

- Check induction status as part of the sign in process

- Check if high risk permits are required as part of the sign in

- Integrate with your key access and check if a key is being used by the contractor

- Collect emergency contact information in the event of an emergency

- Issue a Take 5 or risk assessment as part of their sign in linked to their job task or activity

Site Sign In Software

Ensure all visitors and contractors sign in on site and link the sign in process to important compliance checks, induction status, high risk work permit checks and notifications for who is on site.

Contactless sign in workflows using QR codes
Visitor or Contractor Sign In Management System Features
Track your visitors and contractors time in and out on site
Print an Induction Card or Sticker at the end
Collect certifications, expiry dates and licenses if required
Use mass visitor notification tools
Automatically send an SMS or notification to the person they are visiting that they have arrived
Schedule visitors
Replace the visitor log book
Tablet or Phone, iPad or Android
Optional Visitor or Contractor Online Induction
Can be done electronically on an App or on the Web at a front desk kiosk or Tablet device
Perfect for construction sites with integration to turnstiles options
Collect emergency contact, next of kin, medical information & more

Contactless Sign In using QR Codes

Setup completely contactless sign in and sign out workflows using QR codes

- Perfect for situations where hardware isn't suitable for site sign in. Print QR code posters and contractors and visitors can scan to sign in

- Visitors or Contractors can scan QR codes for sign in or sign out

- Setup multiple QR code posters around your site

Sign In Tablet at Reception

One option is to setup a tablet at reception, visitors and contractors sign in as they arrive on site. It can cross check their induction card if they have been issued with one and ensure they are compliant.

Mobile App

Our Work Sign mobile app can be downloaded and used to sign in on site directly off a mobile phone or tablet. Contractors could sign in and out from jobs they go to across different sites.

  • Basic Visitor Sign In App
  • Something basic to track visitors as they sign in and out on
  • 25 sign ins a day - $25 a month

  • * plus GST Australia region
  • Sign in Portal
  • Comprehensive sign in portal for contractor, employee and visitor management
  • Unlimited sign ins, $50 a month

  • * plus GST Australia region
  • Premium
  • Highly customised to your workflow
  • System integration
  • Implement your custom requirements
  • Unlimited sign
    ins, pay monthly

Integration with site access hardware

We have options to integrate with hardware such as turnstiles and other site access hardware

Compliance Checks and Induction

Ensure an induction is valid and completed at either the sign in or prior to arriving on site. Cross check insurances are valid, certificates are up to date, cross check company overall compliance and set up visitor inductions to be done on the spot upon sign in.

cross check sign in against company insurances such as workers comp, professional indemnity or public liability insurance
safety induction or site induction before they arrive on site tied to sign in activity
permit to work checks and workflows
cross link contractor prequalification workflows
overall individual and company compliance management tied to sign in on site

View templates, forms and checklists

Issue Sign in Cards or Stickers

For each staff member, contractor or visitor, they can be issued a sticker or induction card. Brand to your organisation, include their photo, QR code for scanning, company details, expiry dates, emergency contact details and more.

Issue and scan contractor ID cards

Visitor Sign In / Contractor Sign in Process

One size doesn't fit all. We offer you a custom built portal for your unique visitor management requirements such as:

- Design a Custom Visitor Induction
- Sign In and Sign Out based on your sites
- Use our ready to go content
- Online tests with scoring
- Registration of all visitors
- Print Stickers, Visitor Cards and more
- Online Site Hazard Registry
- Load all your own material and manage for your self
- Ensure all visitors are inducted
- Site specific visitor sign in and out process or organisation wide process

Ensure that all visitors coming to site are inducted, have a valid card or sticker and are visit safely and be compliant.

Track who is visiting your organisation, who they are visiting, how often, how much time on site and what company they are from.

Include tests, check lists, assessments and more

Track via GPS visitor, contractor and employee sign ins for different sites. Via on a map the different sign in locations and who signed in at which sites.

Create an account?

Manage Sites from Sign in to Induction, Policies & Acknowledgement

See how our visitor sign in and sign out induction system can work for your organisation by looking at the online demo via the form above or - create free account here

Online Demo
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  • See how it all works from the above online form!
  • Create a login to view a demo online induction system and even webinar options to see examples
  • Easy to setup and create inductions for contractors, employees, suppliers and visitors
We'll also send you a login and details for our iPhone app!

Find out more

View a process map

Capture Visitor Photos

Contractor Sign In System

Card, Certificate or Sticker

The Mobile and Tablet App

Best Site Signin App Tips

Visitor Evacuation List

School Sign In Management System


5 things to include in your visitor sign in system

Construction Site Sign In App

Visitor Management System

Free App

Signin Sheet

Contractor Tablet Sign In

Electronic Sign in System

Visitor Notification System

Geofence your site

Visitor Log Book


What is visitor management?

5 must have visitor management system features

Contractor Sign in Kiosk

Site Attendance App

Construction Site Attendance

Contractor ID Card Scanning

Reception Sign in System

Facial Recognition Scanners

Daily Signin Sheet

Contractor Site Access Control

QR Code Check in

Visitor Badge System

Visitor Pass Software