A critical workflow for all staff and contractors who are arriving on site or at your workplace is that they be prescreened for COVID-19 Coronavirus risks and flu or fever history. Using a prescreening form you can ask questions around their health history and recent contacts with anyone who has flu symptoms or is a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case.
This can immediately alert you and your workplace to any potential risks early on by prescreening all workers beforehand. It's important to make sure you follow the local health advice from health authorities.
Common COVID-19 Prescreening Questions
- Have you got a fever or have you had a fever in the last 14 days?
- Do you have or have you had a cough in the last 14 days
- Do you have or have you had a sore throat in the last 14 days
- Do you have or have you had shortness of breath in the last 14 days
- Have you been exposed to anyone in the past 14 days who has tested positive for Covid 19
- Have you returned from overseas or interstate in the past 14 days
Set up a sign in Prescreening form for your workplace
Ready to set up a sign in / sign out prescreening form for your workplace on tablet / iPad?